Integrys Energy Group Renews with Fiserv as Preferred Provider for Electronic Billing and Payment Solutions

May 3, 2010
Integrys Energy Group Renews with Fiserv as Preferred Provider for Electronic Billing and Payment Solutions

Brookfield, Wis., May 3, 2010 - Fiserv, Inc. (NASDAQ: FISV), the leading global provider of financial services technology solutions, today announced that it has extended its business relationship with the six utilities under Integrys Energy Group, (NYSE: TEG), that provide gas and electricity to approximately 2.2 million customers across Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. A Fiserv client since 2002, Integrys selected Fiserv to be its provider for electronic billing and payment solutions across multiple channels. Fiserv will continue to enable electronic billing and payment at Integrys websites (enrolled and one-time options), distribution of Integrys e-bills to consumer online banking sites, and phone payments.

Integrys recently enhanced the electronic billing and payment capabilities at the company's websites by upgrading to Biller Direct™ HV from Fiserv, a hosted bill payment and presentment application that has already rendered a significant increase in e-bill adoption and automatic payment enrollments.

Improving paperless billing rates is an imperative for Integrys because it can lead to increases in both efficiency and customer satisfaction while benefitting the environment. While the company had an existing solution, it needed to improve the consumer experience in order to achieve its aggressive goals. "Since implementing and promoting Biller Direct HV, e-bill adoption is up 24 percent over the volume expected on our previous platform," said Brian Kage, general manager, Strategy & Business Performance, Integrys. "We are happy with the product, the implementations, our process improvements and our positive customer responses. With continued promotions and our Fiserv partnership, we expect to meet our paperless billing goals."

Biller Direct HV is expected to help Integrys satisfy customer needs by providing convenience and being environmentally friendly. It will also improve profitability by reducing paper bill delivery, paper check processing and exception handling. Another benefit of Biller Direct HV is its more prominent display of the Auto Pay feature. Several of the utilities have experienced a 20 percent increase in automatic payments which are made an average of two weeks before the due date. This helps customers stay current on their utility bills and accelerates revenue collection for Integrys.

"We understand Integrys' need to give its customers a choice in how, when and where they pay their bills while operating its business in the most efficient manner possible," said Jardon Bouska, president, Biller Solutions, Fiserv. "For the past eight years we have worked with them to achieve an optimal balance of these objectives, and to help drive consumers to the billing and payment channel with the lowest cost, allowing Integrys to achieve both its customer satisfaction and cost reduction goals."

Fiserv is a founding member of the NACHA PayitGreen™ Alliance, which promotes reducing paper use by encouraging customers to use electronic billing and automatic payments. Integrys also has a strong history of environmental advocacy, which includes rebates to customers to promote energy efficiency, involvement with and donations to organizations such as the Arbor Day Foundation, and the introduction of greener products, such as energy from renewable resources.

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For more information about Biller Direct HV from Fiserv, visit:

About Integrys Energy Group, Inc.
Integrys Energy Group is a diversified holding company with regulated utility operations operating through six wholly owned subsidiaries, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, North Shore Gas Company, Upper Peninsula Power Company, Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation, and Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation; nonregulated operations serving certain energy markets in the United States through its wholly owned nonregulated subsidiary, Integrys Energy Services; and also a 34% equity ownership interest in American Transmission Company LLC (an electric transmission company operating in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois).

More information about Integrys Energy Group, Inc. is available online at

About Fiserv
Fiserv, Inc. (NASDAQ: FISV) is the leading global provider of information management and electronic commerce systems for the financial services industry, driving innovation that transforms experiences for financial institutions and their customers. Fiserv is ranked No. 1 on the FinTech 100 survey of top technology partners to the financial services industry. For more information, visit

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Fiserv, Inc.

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